Sunday, June 28, 2009

Summer Fun

We are having a wonderful summer, the boys keep us busy and I have been busy planning some events like the Relay for Life with my MOMS group. I think it's great to get involved in the community and teach the boys to give back. Chad and Carson went to a Florence Freedom baseball game together, Chad loves having a sports buddy.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Summer Break Rocks

Carson and Cole are already enjoying summer break. Days at the pool, Chocolate milk every night, and having friends over. Here are the boys with some of their best buddies.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Nana and Brooke

My mom and Brooke came for a visit, Summer break rocks. :)

Birthday Fun

My 33rd birthday was a blast!

Brooke comes to town

Cousin Brooke came to visit the boys. We went to the zoo, pool, bike rides, Gap Outlet, made Brookie desserts, nature walks, etc.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Pool Time

We are really enjoying the neighborhood and especially the pool. Here are some pics of the boys getting their swim on.